We would love to have you join us on Sunday if you haven’t already! We are currently offering on-campus and online options. As always, we continue to encourage those who are most vulnerable to COVID to stay home and catch us online. For many, meeting online is the best choice and we fully support you in that decision.
Sunday gatherings on Campus
9am & 10:45am
What to expect
Facial Coverings – We encourage that you wear a facial covering while we are gathered on campus.
Health Status - If you are not feeling well then please stay home.
Safe Distancing - We will be asking everyone to maintain safe distancing.
Ultra Violet Air Scrubbers - We have installed air scrubbers into our AC units to clean and filtrate the air. It can help reduce airborne contaminants including particles containing viruses.
Children’s Programming – We now offer children’s programming for babies through 5th grade. This will be done indoors. See below for details.
Seating Indoors
Seating Outdoors - We will have chairs setup outdoors on the patio under the tent.
Gathering Locations
Children (9am & 10:45am):
Birth – Pre-K: check in at the Early Childhood Counter (inside worship center). We will continue to have our Bible Story, song time and playtime on our playground as weather permits | more info
K-3rd Grade: check in upstairs near room 206 | more info
4-5th Grade: check in upstairs near room 203 | more info
Youth (10:45am):
Middle School: 10:45am only Check in at youth lobby, meeting upstairs Activity Center "in the loft" | more Info
High School: 10:45am only in the high school room (Activity Center) | more info
If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us.